Cambridge Finance is an umbrella arrangement funded by CERF for research groups in finance in the University of Cambridge within Cambridge Judge Business School, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Department of Land Economy, Statistical Laboratory, Department of Engineering, and Centre for Financial History).
From 2009-2013, Cambridge Finance along with Tinbergen Institute/Duisenberg School of Finance and Wharton Business School, formed ran the Tripartite Symposium. Academics from these three institutions met annually for a ‘show and tell’ to forge links and share information about current research in their respective institutions.
The meetings took place in May and June, alternating between the institutions and lasted for one or two days. The meetings were held according to this schedule:
- Amsterdam - 22-23 May 2014 (attended by the Dutch and British institutions)
programme pdf
- Philadelphia, 17-18 May 2013
- Cambridge 25-26 June 2012
- Philadelphia, 20 May 2010
- Amsterdam, 27 May 2011
- Cambridge, 25 June 2009
The format of the meetings meant that each institution presented three papers, which were discussed by counterparts from one of the other institutions; making a total of 9 papers per event.